Holly Jolly Chick Lit Hop
Make the holiday season even merrier by discovering new reads from some of today's best chick lit and romantic comedy authors during the...

Book Tour: Peri in Progress
Happy Book Blast Day, Cat Lavoie! Peri in Progress By author Cat Lavoie Release Date: October 2nd, 2016 Genre: Chick Lit Blurb: You...

RELEASE BLITZ - A Drakenfall Christmas by Geralyn Corcillo
Do I have the book for you!!! My delightful and talented friend, Geralyn Corcillo, released her latest book today! It is the most magical...

Life as an Indie Author
No one was more surprised than I when I became an indie author. I had spent the majority of my career toiling away in Human Resources,...

Launch Date: Catch a Falling Star
Release Date: August 26, 2016 When TV star Wendy Hunter is about to have her most closely guarded secret viciously exposed by the...

Chatting With the Chicks of Chick Lit
Ha ha ha ha welcome, welcome everyone to Chatting With the Chicks of Chick Lit. I’m your host, Chuck Lottateeth, and I am so thrilled to...

#ChickLitMay A to Z Scavenger Hunt
H is for HOT HERO! What’s Chick Lit without a hot hero to swoon over? I mean, sure we love our heroines and their amazing adventures, but...

New Release: Any Way You Plan It
Are you ready for a new book? My very talented friend, Monique McDonell, has just released the fourth book in her Upper Crust series, Any...

Tea with Harry Potter
This blog was originally published in July 2014 as a guest post of mine for the lovely Cathy Ryan of Between the Lines book blog, but I...

Love Through the Ages
Did you hear that? It was the sound of the cobwebs being swept off my blogging abilities. Seriously, I think a bat just flew out of my...